La leche league san jose

I hate all the drugs the drugs and side…. Viviane Carson helped me eliminate layers of physical and emotional pain, by tapping into, neutralizing, and eliminating the core of my issues. Everything is confidential. It's very hard when you love someone who is destroying their life. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of…. It is so helpful to have someone to turn to, and listen.

My life gets so overwhelming. My therapist is beyond amazing, and so intelligent, and…. At Wellesley Care Home, our…. Though another parent at my child's school recommended this group, I was not happy with my experience. They were not very friendly and were….

Advertise with Us. Assistance League Counseling Services. PC My grandson was very sick and we were ready to take him to the hospital for cough and fever and not eating. Join Group. About This Group. Our Mission is to help parents worldwide to breastfeed through peer-to-peer support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a… See More. Only members can see who's in the group and what they post. Anyone can find this group. San Jose, California.

Group created on April 26, Name last changed on January 25, See more. No new posts today. Created 7 years ago.

Group rules from the admins. Be Kind. We are all at different places in our breastfeeding and parenting journey - please treat each other with respect and kindness. If you have an issue with another member of the group, please contact a leader.

Feel free to post questions, concerns, or information relating to breastfeeding and breastfeeding advocacy.


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